The Recruits Page

Meet The Recruits Co-Chairs Other Student Opportunities History of the Recruits NSA Membership Application Job Opportunities
Grants in Aid for NSA Student Members:
- The George R. Abbe Student Research Grant (currently $1,250) is a competitive grant that is awarded annually to support a student's research project in the areas of crustacean biology and fisheries management. Applications due November 1 annually. Click here for application information.
- The Melbourne R. Carriker Student Research Grant (currently $1,250) is a competitive grant that is awarded annually to support a student’s research project in any area of shellfisheries. Applications are due November 1 annually. Click here for application information.
- The Michael Castagna Student Grant for Applied Research (currently $1,250) is a competitive grant that is awarded annually to support a student’s research project in the area of applied shellfisheries. The practical, applied aspects of the research should be highlighted. Applications are due November 1 annually. Click here for application information.
- The R. LeRoy Creswell Award for Outreach and Education (currently $1,250) recognizes students who have shown exceptional merit in outreach activities. It is based upon either support or recognition of student merit in any of the following categories: recognition of an outstanding oral or poster presentation on outreach/extension at the annual NSA conference; support of outreach/extension costs incurred by a student; recognition of an exceptional outreach/extension outcome by a student within the first year of their post-graduate work. Applications are due November 1 annually. Click here for application information.
- The Susan E. Ford Student Research Grant (currently $1,250) is a competitive grant annually to recognize excellence in the areas of bivalve or crustacean mechanisms of defense against microbial and parasitic infection, including serum, mucus, and cellular processes for recognition, mitigation, or destruction of infective agents. Applications are due November 1 annually. Click here for application information.
- SEF Student Presentation and Travel Awards provide registration waivers or shared lodging at NSA Annual Meetings to students presenting their research. Recipients help with registration, the NSA sales booth, A/V, or other activities at the meeting which provides additional opportunities to interact with members and meet some of the leaders in the field of shellfisheries. Click here for application and deadline information.
NSA Student Awards:
Judging guidelines for the Nelson and Gunter awards are available here.
For more information, contact the Recruits Co-Chairs
Hannah Collins - [email protected]Emily Fuqua - [email protected]