George R. Abbe Student Research Grantalt

The George R. Abbe Student Research Grant is a competitive grant established in 2013 that is awarded annually to recognize excellence in the areas of crustacean biology and fisheries management.  The George R. Abbe Student Research Grant is named in honor of an Honored Life Member, distinguished past President, and long-term Member of the Executive Committee, having  served for over 25 years as Chair of the Audit, Budget and Finance Committee.  The Award is reflective of George Abbe’s research interests including long-term population monitoring, and research on Chesapeake Bay blue crab and eastern oysters.  The Award is a competitive grant program to which NSA student members can apply for a $1,250 grant for non-travel-related expenses associated with undertaking research for a Master’s or Ph.D. degree.  The award is granted once per year with applications due November 1 each year.   Click here for application information.  Not a student member of the NSA?  Join now.



Grant Recipients

Grant Proposal Title:

Nihal Guennouni

(2024) Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Natural Resources/Fisheries Science

Quantifying the response of blue crabs: How natural and fishing mortality affect the transmission and incidence of Heratodinium perezi

Gregory Rothman

(2023) University of Charleston, Environmental and Sustainability Studies Program

Investigating non-native crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, as a potential vector of white spot disease to native crustaceans in South Carolina, USA

Mingli Zhao

(2021) University of Maryland, Center for Environmental Science, Institute of Marine & Environmental Technology

Assessing the potential for interstate blue crab imports to introduce crab pathogens into new ecosystems

Jordanna Barley

(2019) University of Massachusetts Amherst, Department of Environmental Conservation

Exploring mechanisms underlying the range limit of a marine crab in a warming hotspot.

Patrick Barnes

(2018) Western Washington University, Biology Department

Evidence of biotic resistance to invasion by European green crab in Coos Bay, Oregon.
Joseph Caracappa

(2016) Rutgers University, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences

Consequences of phenotype in blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) larvae.
Hillary Lane

(2015) University of Maryland, Marine, Estuarine, and Environmental Sciences Program

The effect of climate change on the physiology and ecology of juvenile blue crab (Callinectes sapidus).
Catherine Drake

(2014) Moss Landing Marine Laboratory

The evolution of decorating behavior in the Decorator crab (Loxorhyncus crispatus) and advantages for living on a mobile environment.