
NSA-PCS Student Awards and Scholarships

The Pacific Coast Section of NSA greatly values student participation at the annual PCSGA-NSA conference.  We provide student travel scholarships and awards for the best student presentations made at the meeting each year.   We also solicit donations for a silent auction at each meeting with resulting proceeds going towards our student awards and scholarships. 

The 2023 NSA-PCS Best Student Presentation awards went to Eileen Bates (University of Washington) who presented, 'Can coralline algae habitat bolster the climate resilience of Washington’s endangered Pinto abalone?' and the runner up was Julianne Grenn (Virginia Institute of Marine Science), who presented, 'Effects of biofouling and stocking density on microclimate in off-bottom oyster culture grow-out bags'.  The first recipient of the Ken Chew Research Grant Award was Hollis Jones (UC Davis) who is investigating heat wave effects on Pacific oysters.  

Support for students to attend the meeting was generously provided by the Dr. Ken Chew Student Scholarship Fund, the NOAA Office of Aquaculture, Molluscan Broodstock Program/Oregon State University, Arcadia Point Seafoods, Brenner Oyster, Chelsea Farms, Chuckanut Shellfish, Pacific Shellfish Institute, SEAPA, Hama-Hama Company, Rock Point Oyster Co., and Whiskey Creek Shellfish Hatchery. The students and the NSA-PCS officers thank these sponsors for their continued support.