Information for Contributors to JSROriginal articles dealing with all aspects of shellfish research will be considered for publication. Manuscripts will be judged by the editors or other competent reviewers, or both, on the basis of originality, content, merit, clarity of presentation, and interpretations. Each article should be carefully prepared in the style followed in prior issues of the Journal of Shellfish Research before submission to the Editor. Papers published or to be published in other journals are not acceptable. Title, Short Title, Key Words, Abstract:The title of the paper should be kept as short as possible. Please include Key words and a "short running title" of not more than 48 characters including spaces. Each manuscript must be accompanied by a concise, informative abstract, giving the main results of the research reported. The abstract will be published at the beginning of the article. No separate summary should be included. Text:Manuscripts must be typed double-spaced throughout on one side of the paper, leaving ample margins, with the pages numbered consecutively. Lines should be numbered continuously from beginning to end of the manuscript. Scientific names of species should be underlined or in italics and, when first mentioned in the text, should be followed by the authority. Common and scientific names of organisms should be in accordance with American Fisheries Society Special Publications 16 and 17: Common and Scientific Names of Aquatic Invertebrates from the United States and Canada: Molluscs, and CSNAIUSC: Decapod Crustaceans, or relevant publications for other geographic regions. The manuscript must be submitted electronically unless prior arrangements have been made with the Editor. A single PDF file including text, tables and figures is the preferred format for review. The text and tables for accepted manuscripts should be in a Word or WordPerfect file. Authors of manuscripts submitted in files such as TEX or LATEX will be charged for the special processing required before the manuscript is suitable for printing. The resolution and file formats for illustrations in accepted manuscripts are described below. Manuscripts should be written in the third person. Sentences should not begin with scientific names, any abbreviations, or 'however'. Abbreviations, Style, Numbers:Authors should follow the style recommended by the 7th edition (2006) of the Council of Biology Editors [CBE] Style Manual, distributed by the American Institute of Biological Sciences. All linear measurements, weights, and volumes should be given in metric units. Tables:Tables, numbered in Arabic, should be on separate pages with a concise title and explanatory legend at the top. Illustrations:Authors should provide figures in electronic format. Illustrations should be planned so that important details will be clear after reduction to page size or less. No drawing should be so large that it must be reduced to less than one third of its original size. Photographs and line drawings should be prepared so they can be reduced to a size no greater than 17.3 cm x 22.7 cm, and should be planned to occupy either the full page width of 17.3 cm or the width of one column, 8.4 cm. Figure legends should be placed on separate sheets and numbered in Arabic. Figure keys must be placed within the figure, not outside. If this information cannot be placed within the figure, then include the key information in the figure legend. DO NOT place grid lines on graphs or draw boxes around graphs. Tick marks should be placed on the inside of the axis.
Color figures must be saved as CMYK-encoded images. Color figures have the same resolution requirements as B/W. NOTE: There is no charge for color figures. Literature Cited:References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the article. For appropriate citation format and abbreviations, see examples below and recent issues of the Journal:
Authorship and Personal Communications:All individuals listed as authors must have agreed to authorship before the manuscript is submitted. Authors must obtain approval from individuals cited as a “personal communication”. The text citation for personal communications should include initial and last name, institution and date. Page Charges:Authors or their institutions will be charged $100.00 US per printed page. There is no charge for color figures. All page charges are subject to change without notice. A handling fee of $60 will be charged for all manuscripts accepted for publication. Proofs:Page charges of $100 per page are normally assessed. Inquiries for page-charge assistance will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the Editor, Dr. Sandra Shumway. Offprints:Offprints and PDF files of published papers are available at cost to the authors. Information regarding ordering reprints will be available from The Sheridan Press at the time of printing. PDF files of published manuscripts will be provided to authors whose NSA membership dues are current. Others may purchase the PDF for $100 USD. Members of the NSA receive the PDF free of charge. If you are not a member, click here to join NSA. Cover Photographs:Appropriate photographs in either black and white or color may be submitted for consideration for use on the cover of the Journal of Shellfish Research. Submission/Correspondence:An electronic copy of each manuscript submitted for publication consideration should be sent via email to the Editor, Dr. Sandra E. Shumway, Department of Marine Sciences, University of Connecticut, 1080 Shennecossett Rd., Groton, CT 06340. E-mail: [email protected] Subscriptions:Individual private NSA membership includes a subscription to the Journal of Shellfish Research. Membership information may be obtained from the Editor or the Treasurer using the form in the Journal or by clicking here. Institutional subscribers should see our institutional subscription page or send requests to: Journal of Shellfish Research, P. O. Box 465, Hanover, PA 17331. Send correspondence and manuscripts to the Journal of Shellfish Research Editorial Office: Editor |